Sunday, November 10, 2013

50 question christmas survey!

Lets get in the spirit, im pu.mped.

1. Does your fam.ily send out Chr.istmas cards? Yes
2. How soon do you start July lol
3. Who do you shop for? The kids first, then everyone else.

4. Do you put up a Christ.mas tree? YES
5. If so, is it or real? real
6. Do you like tin.sel? yes
7. Do you use or sto.rebought ornam.ents? Store bought
8. Do you put Christmas lights outside your house? We haven't before.  Maybe this year. If not- for sure next year.
9. Do you put lights on the tree? YES
10. How about popcorn and cranb.erries? No
11. Is there a wr.eath hanging on your door? YES

Chris.tmas Eve
12. Do you celebrate it? Yes
13. Do you hang up your stoc.king? Yes
14. Does your family read "Twas the night before Chri.stmas?" Wouldn't be Christmas without it.

15. Christmas Movie ?  Snowglobe
16. Character from any Christmas Movie ? Eh, Idk
17. Christmas Song ?  War is Over & Christmas Time
18. Christmas Me.mory ? making that wreath

This or That
19. Give or Receive? Both, I love giving and I'd be lying if I didn't say I love getting too.  ;)
20. Eg.gnog or Cider? Eggnog
21. Red or Green? Red, but both.
22. Ham or Turke.y? Turkey
23. Star or Ang.el? Star
24. Whi.te Lights or Co.lored Lights?  Both, front room is white.  Living room will be colored.
25. Blin.king Lights or Still Lights ?  Still
26. Were you N.aug.hty or Nice this year? Very nice!
27. List 3 things you want for Christmas this year?  Benefit Makeup, Clothes (Ian is getting good at this), and anything for my room.
28. When do you open your gifts?  1 on Christmas Eve and the rest on Christmas Day.
29. What's the best gift you've ever gotten? Hollister giftcard from MIL.  :D Thanks Regina!!
30. What's the worst gift you've ever gotten? Hmm.. there's been a few.
31. Who gives you the most gifts? Ian!
32. Have you ever had a Santa? Maybe when I was younger at church.
33. Do you like gifts? Yes

34. Do you put ch.ange in those red buc.kets? Yes
35. Do you burn a yu.le log? no?
36. Can you name all the rei.ndeer? Donner, Blitzen, Comet, Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Cupid, Rudolf!
37. Do you bake cookies? Yes
38. Have you ever seen your mommy kissing Santa Cl.ause? Yup!
39. Have you ever gotten a kiss under the mist.letoe? Yes
40. Do you go car.oling? Just at home.  Haha
41. Do you drive around and look at the Christmas lights? Yesss
42. Have you ever left Santa cookies? Every Christmas
43. Have you ever sat on Santa's la.p? Yes
44. Who do you celebrate Christ.mas with? My family
45. Where do you celebrate Chris.tmas? At home and everywhere
46. Have you ever had a white Chr.istmas? I don't think so.  :(
47. What part of Christmas do you look most foward to? All of it
48. Have you ever had your picture taken with Santa? Yes
49. Does your family always take a picture at Christmas? Yes
50. Have you ever heard the song "Thank God For Kids" by The Oakridge Boys?No

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